Monday, April 27, 2009

Beyoncé-If I were a boy

1. Find all Second Conditionals in the song.
2. According to the song, make a list of differences between men and women.
3. Make a list of jobs traditionally associated with men and traditionally associated with women. Does this difference still exist nowadays?
4. Finish these sentences:
(for girls) If I were a boy, I .....................
(for boys) If I were a girl, I ....................
5. Do you think men and women are different? In which ways?


  1. Deberias poner algo mejor y quitar la musica esa del movil ese falso del lateral de la pantalla, no lo tomes a mal pero beyoncé llega un momento en el que se hace insoportable ;)

  2. Deberías de poner RAP :) es mucho mas guay que la Beyonce esta fea y el "iphone" lateral hecho con culo.

    PD: Sí, he puesto PAIRTNER y es PARTNER, pero los ingleses saben de que hablo y no pienso cambiar de account
